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Introduction (組合簡介):

Perpetually watching, unveiled and seen, the profound recesses of the human spirit. With melodic articulations and the voices of the collective, sculpting chronicles that mirror the essence of our present era. Offering solace, a balm for the struggles of every day.

他們是臺灣的社會觀察系樂團「Jondoe 無名氏」,自認平凡的他們,知道做夢不切實際,因此都更關注「真實」的存在與實際的行動。真實的事件、真實的生命、真實的情感......種種社會議題成爲了他們的題材與養份,也因此造就了「Jondoe 無名氏」的誕生。

Band mates (團員) :
- Daniel (Songwriter 詞曲/ Vocals 演唱)

Daniel is a Singaporean singer and songwriter signed to Awesome Music (Taiwan). He won first place in the fourth edition (2021) of UFM 100.3's "Radio Singer" competition [廣播歌王]. He wrote the song 「這世界的美」 for Tarzan Band [泰山樂隊] in 2021. He was also involved in the recording of the theme song for the 2020 SG:SW 我寫我的歌  songwriting competition. He won the award for best vocal performance for an original in the third edition of SG:SW 我寫我的歌 2019, as well as the opportunity to record the song and have it included in the drama series [迴路網] . He was a semi-finalist in *The Voice SG/MY* (Season 1'2017), a Starhub and Astro AEC-produced reality singing competition. He was also a main act at the 曹格 Gary Chaw Sabah Charity Concert 2018 and a backing vocalist for Lin Si Tong at the nEXT concert in 2017.

Daniel是一位新加坡歌手、作曲人,現爲台灣耀聲音樂有限公司專屬詞曲簽約作者。 2021年他在UFM100.3 第四屆的 [廣播歌王] 中 奪冠。 2020年他的詞曲創作「這世界的美」收錄於泰山樂隊2021年作品中; 同年錄製發表單曲「SG:SW我寫我的歌」比賽主題曲「我寫我的歌」。他在2019年第三屆的「SG:SW我寫我的歌」新加坡全國性音樂創作比賽中,以作者劉松雨的一曲「黑白不合」而獲得最佳歌曲以及最佳演唱獎的殊榮,該曲並被選為偶像劇「迴路網」主題曲及插曲。 2017年時,他也在新加坡星和視界與馬來西亞Astro電視頻道所聯合主辦的「The Voice 決戰好聲」(新馬版的「好聲音」歌唱比賽)裏頭,被由歌手曹格領軍的曹格戰隊錄取並一路晉級至準決賽。除了比賽經驗以外,他在2018年參與過馬來西亞「Gary Cao曹格沙巴慈善演唱會」和曹格戰隊選手聯合演出。也曾在2017年於新加坡當地創作歌手林思彤 *nEXT* 演唱會中擔任合聲。

- Betsy (Songwriter 詞曲/ Arranger編曲/ Backing Vocals 合聲)

Betsy was born in the Taiwanese capital of Taipei. She earned her bachelor's degree in Applied Music from Catholic Fu-Jen University. She then enrolled at Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. Drumset principal, Diploma in Contemporary Writing and Production major After graduating in 2011, she returned to Taiwan and began working in the music industry. She primarily composes music for film, television series, video games, copyright music, and pop songs. As of today, she has participated in hundreds of game scorings, including "Faith of Danschant"(神舞幻想),"Tap Piano"," Swords of Legends"(古劍奇譚三); dozens of TV series scorings, including "The Bride with White Hair" (新白髮魔女),"Love at the Moment"(ATM), "Demon Medicine Hall"(妖靈醫館),"Horror Story Book"(恐懼事件簿)mini series; pop song productions, including "Black Panther" high school baseball championship theme song (動靜之間), Golden Melody Award winner's touring keyboardist and arranger for Taiwanese singer "Ardor Huang"(流氓阿德),Chinese instrument arranger for "Kris Wu's"(吳亦凡)"Tien-Di"(天地)Taipei concert, Chinese instrument arranger for "Coco Lee's"(李玟) World Tour "You & I""Daomadan"(刀馬旦) and sound design for singer "9m88's"concert tour songs "Airdoll",”If I Could”(如果可以),”Inner”.  She has also released three albums under the name "ElectroO2." She was a producer at Point Music Production and  Awesome Music Ltd. composer.

生於台灣台北,畢業於輔仁大學音樂系應用音樂組,隨後赴美國波士頓百克里音樂學院(Berklee College of Music)進修,主修當代編曲製作(Contemporary Writing and Production)。於2011年畢業回台,從事各類配樂、詞曲創作、流行編曲等工作。至今已參與上百款遊戲配樂如「神舞幻想」、「TapPiano」、「古劍奇譚三」等;數十部戲劇配樂如「新白髮魔女」、「愛情ATM」、「妖靈醫館」、「恐懼事件簿」系列短片等;流行歌曲製作如「動靜之間」黑豹旗盃全國高中棒球大賽主題曲、歌手「流氓阿德」編曲及巡迴樂手、吳亦凡「天地」台北演唱會國樂編曲、李玟Coco Lee World Tour “You & I“ 演唱會 「刀馬旦」國樂編寫及歌手9m88「Airdoll」、「如果可以」、「Inner」巡迴演唱會聲響設計,並以電音組合”ElectroO2伊雷兔”發行過三張專輯。曾是華亞國際音樂製作人、耀聲音樂詞曲簽約作者。

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